Landscape in wax

Landscape in wax

Very magical feel to this painting - it could almost be a set for Lord of the Rings or something like that. Lovely contrast of colours and very interesting treatment of the foreground, which adds lots of interest.

Thank you for leaving a comment on my work ,most encouraging than you Graham

This looks like a really interesting way to make images - wonderfully rich colour, and as Thea says, it does have a magical quality.

Very interesting paintings Graham. What is encaustic wax and how is it used, please? Is this how you created City over water? They are unusual and unique. Jx

Thank you Robert and Jean,I have only been doing encaustic wax for about four months so compared to a lot of work i have seen mine are quite basic but i am happy with them as they are sort of my style which is a lot different from my pastels but the wax is taking over as it is a quick medium to apply with textures created in seconds,Hi Jean encaustic wax is blocks or sticks of coloured wax that is applied using an iron that is similar to a small travel iron and a range of different shaped ends that are used in a cool type of tool similar to a soldering iron

Hang on Studio Wall

Encaustic wac on card

About the Artist
Graham Jeffries

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