

Another beauty, Glennis, fresh and delicate. I like the way you've shown the flower heads from different angles. I love these old cottage garden plants, but apart from hollyhocks they generally refuse to grow in my solid clay soil. You said that you find flower painting therapeutic - in what way?

Caroline thank you. i find flower painting therapeutic because I don't find it difficult to paint flowers. Flowers are a big part of my painting, My mother loved flowers, and she taught me to love nature and all that comes with it. I switch off and completely relax in my own little world as I paint them. So if I feel stressed at all, then it's a flower painting. Animals I love to paint but they require a little more concentration and detail so have to be in the frame of mind, unless it's a commission then I'm afraid it has to be done. People - I love faces and all the characteristics in the faces. Now landscapes that is a different matter - completely blank, not sure what to paint, how to paint, perspective, rules - that is difficult for me but I hope to change that over the course of time, slowly, slowly.

Lovely flower painting Glennis

Beautiful delicate painting Glennis.....I have some delphiniums called 'Ghost' in the garden, the blooms open a delicate grey and turn black. They are quite stunning. I have photos if you are interested.

Very beautiful, Glennis. Well done.

Petra and Mia thank you for your comments. Fiona thank you for your comments, much appreciated. I would love to have some photos of the Ghost variety, thank you very much. I have to go to the garden centre's to get photos as they don't like my garden soil. Would you like my email address or address, it is up to you.

This is really delightful, Glennis! It's a gorgeous depiction of a very beautiful flower. And thank you for your very kind comment on my painting - you definitely do not need to return to the drawing board. You are an inspiration to all aspiring flower painters. I learnt a lot viewing your paintings.

Lovely delicate spike of delphinium.

Hi Glennis, I've checked the photo's and there are a couple of close up snaps and one from a distance. I'm sure you could build something from them. If you let me have your email I can send them straight to you.....if you don't mind putting it here. If you're not comfortable putting your email down we can think of something else.

Nice one, Glennis. Lovely colours and delicately and beautifully painted. Why won't they grow in your garden? There is, however, a school of thought that says these flowers, along with lupins, should be treated like annuals and not expected to do well after the first year. Just a thought.

Simple, understated and beautiful.

Thea, thank you for the comment. I will try the pots this summer, I did that for a lupin last year and it was successful. Not sure why they don't like my soil, I have added some more top soil, perhaps it's the drainage. Tony - thank you for your very kind comment, much appreciated

Hang on Studio Wall

A beautiful flower to paint but unfortunately harder to grow in my garden.

About the Artist
Glennis Weston

I am a self taught amateur artist. I love painting animals and flowers, any wildlife and I like realism.

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