Snow Caps

Snow Caps

Love this one Dennis you've captured the wonderful vast openess. Wonderful work

A really nice loose painting Dennis, I really like the blending of colours in the mountains really captures the multitude of colours that are in the bones of mountains. The sky and massed trees also work really well for me, a smashing piece of work, nice one.

Many thanks Dennis and Malcolm

Love those mountains Dennis . A pleasing painting.

Another lovely landscape, think I'll get my trekking boots out.

A lovely scene, Dennis.

Many thanks Carole Andre and Jennifer

Lovely Dennis, especially the purple in the mountains and the fresh blue of the lake.

Love the variety of colour and tone you have used to build up the cragginess of the rocks and mountains. Super work.

Love this mountain and lake scene Dennis, like the way you have painted the snow on the mountains

Beautiful subtle mountains.

This works very well Dennis, the White topped mountains certainly attract the eye.

Very dramatic and lively, Dennis. The snow caps are superbly done!

Many thanks all for the kind words

Its all been said Dennis, this is a super painting for all the above reasons. That light on the mountains is glorious, and the warmth on the right hand side balances it out nicely,

Wonderful tones here Dennis and the mountains are the starring role. I like the subdued blue of the water - just as it appears below mountains.

The colours, light and the tones are just smashing dennis

Very well painted, Dennis, as ever. The loose wood and the mountains are very charming.

I agree with everyone's comments Dennis. It might seem a lazy way of showing my appreciation for your work but when it's all been said, well it's all been said!

Painted with your usual loose style - another winner.

Thanks so much everyone p<br />

Cool and crisp. It comes through briliantly. That late day shadow light works too.

I agree with Malcolm, the colours of the mountains are very impressive. I also like the shadows of that group of trees on the right. Very pleasing.

Posted on Sat 05 Aug 22:11:02
Hang on Studio Wall


About the Artist
Dennis Rounding

Born 1953 it was a good day for the world. BA Hons fine art then PGCE. Had two one man shows Huddersfield and Wakefield and Mirfield. Fell ill 25 years ago but now paint small scale. All for sale To cut a long story short when seventeen to twenty one worked twelve hour shifts at Chemicals grinding…

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