The Heron

The Heron

Just the right amount of detail fresh loose watercolour excellent work Dennis.

Very impressive like it, Dennis

Many thanks Barry and Ronald

This is great, Dennis, it's a while since we've seen your lovely animal paintings.

Many thanks Jenny and Louisa

Brilliant 30 minutes of work, Dennis. Love it!

A few simple washes, a couple of dark flicks here and there and what do you have a beautiful loose painting which captures the spirit of the subject. Like it lots Dennis. Hope you are well and not suffering too much with all the sun on deck?!

Many thanks Fiona lovely to hear from you and I can just about manage this

Hello Dennis, love it!

Hang on Studio Wall

Thirty minutes watercolor

About the Artist
Dennis Rounding

Born 1953 it was a good day for the world. BA Hons fine art then PGCE. Had two one man shows Huddersfield and Wakefield and Mirfield. Fell ill 25 years ago but now paint small scale. All for sale To cut a long story short when seventeen to twenty one worked twelve hour shifts at Chemicals grinding…

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