Dirt road

Dirt road

That's a champion Dennis.

Thanks Michael your too kind mate.

Superb light and warmth ... with that man and dog. Perfect.

You have captured the light in this so well Dennis. I really love it.

Thanks Gudrun very much

Thank you Audrey that's very good of you to comment .

Works well for me...

Thanks Peter very much appreciated

I've been just been watching a drama on TV and could well imagine Bruce Willis suddenly coming down the street causing mayhem, with the Mexican guitar playing in the background. A rather unusual comment but I do like the painting!

Dennis this is just so amazing

I'm glad you like it thank you for the lovely comment Jenny

Few artists are blessed with a vision but some are the masters of execution and you are one of them. I like the way you played with light. Beautiful work!!!

Many thanks Manashree for those kind words and as you might guess I take no credit for any skill I have, like you I believe it is given , I have practiced for many years but practice is not enough , the basics of painting need to be there.

And why not? Dogs do and add to your works very much. Without the pooch it is fine too.

Thanks Derek nice comments

Hang on Studio Wall

I left it a little loose , but my god that dog gets about

About the Artist
dennis roberts

I was born in 1948 . It was a great time to get born as everything was on the up . I have had an unusual and exciting life and done everything I shouldn't , however life is the greatest teacher of all and I have learnt some valuable lessons . I now enjoy painting and guitar playing . I go out with…

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