scratch out and about

scratch out and about

Don't know how you do it Dennis pulled out of the hat

You really should publish a Scratch book, Dennis! There's a story waiting to be told in all your paintings and this is no exception.

Seok is right Dennis, there's always a story behind your paintings and very often I can feel a certain melancholy in them. This one looks like an early evening in the suburbs with a man walking his dog. There's some wet snow on the street but the man is in no hurry. Really good!

I love this! A simple scene but very beautiful!

It's lovely Dennis :)

Many thanks people its much appreciated.

Love your contrasts Dennis, outstanding!

I was wondering where Scratch was - on his hols I concluded as we haven't seen him for a bit. Nice to see him enjoying his daily walk. Hope you gave him a Bonio when he got back home!

Hang on Studio Wall

this is based on the same place as the earlier one but even more simple with scratch added

About the Artist
dennis roberts

I was born in 1948 . It was a great time to get born as everything was on the up . I have had an unusual and exciting life and done everything I shouldn't , however life is the greatest teacher of all and I have learnt some valuable lessons . I now enjoy painting and guitar playing . I go out with…

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