At the end of the day


So sorry for your troubles Dawn. Hope a bit of painting helps to take your mind off things. Nice use of the mediums used and very effective. Hope things improve for you and your family Dawn. Best wishes.

Thank you so much Carole for your kind thoughts x

Best wishes to you Dawn .. and I like this pastel

Sorry about your dad Dawn, hope things get better soon. I like the colours in this, interesting to use the pastel over the inktense, its worked well.

Sad news Dawn,I also have my daughters dad terminal cancer last week sad times ! Keep painting it takes your mind of things!x

Thank you Heather and Linda.

Sorry to hear your sad news Linda. Thank you. As you say painting helps soothe the mind x

Best wishes to your Dad Dawn, I know what its like to get not very good news, but look for some blue sky, just as there is in your really nice painting, love the cloud work top right and the low horizon cloud, nice one. Thought for the day, A day never ends, it just rests for a while and wakes refreshed. Just a little something I came up with a long time ago and it has helped me through some tough times.

That's lovely Malcome I will remember that.

Hang on Studio Wall

It's been a really really tough week. My dad is very ill and the prognosis is very poor, so I've struggled to paint. Gently reading myself in with this. Pastels over inktense under painting. Ref photo taken by my son.

About the Artist
Dawn Halliwell

I started painting in Jan 2016 after the death of my youngest sister. I found it great therapy and still do! I love experimenting with different techniques and media. I mainly work in pastel or oils for pet portraits, but I also enjoy doing ink portraits with the odd landscape thrown in for good…

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