Devon harbour just before sun set

Devon harbour just before sun set

Lovely painting, particularly the sky.

Great painting David, there are some lovely colours in this, especially the sky and I like the little dot of red on the buoy.

A super scene, love the light you've caught in the water

gorgeous colours in your painting. I feel that I ought to be able to identify where it is, as I come from Devon, but where I thought it was does not seem to match where the sun is, so I am puzzled.

Thank you all for your comments Not sure I can help you with the location Linda. A friend sent photos to us but didn't tell us where they were taken. I have added the jetty to the composition which was in one of the other pictures.

Hang on Studio Wall

Acrylics on canvas. A friend sent some photos of a Devon harbour and this is my interpretation of the harbour from the photos. The camera has changed the colours a little and has made the blues sharper than in the painting. Great fun to do with the weather being so wet it kept me in doors and took about 3 days on and off.

About the Artist
David Frampton

Born in Guernsey in 1950 but now living in a small village in East Yorkshire Just retired so about to enjoy a life of leasure. Now I can enjoy my self and paint when I want at anytime during the week instead of just weekends. I have been drawing and painting all of my life and particularly enjoy…

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