The bear and the horse

The bear and the horse

Love the technique, reminds me of old railway posters. What media did you use ? The cloud formation makes up for any compositional errors, (if any).

Done in acrylic, mainly in glazes. I see what you mean about the railway posters, not deliberate but as I love them maybe it has influenced me subconsciously.

I thought the same as Trevor, regarding the railway posters. Very nice.

Super piece! What compositional errors??? I think it really works. Love the shadows in the foreground echoing the cloud shapes!

Really like this, wonderful dramatic clouds.

Hang on Studio Wall

I previously uploaded this painting in April but after some reviewing I’ve made some adjustments, mainly the tree to try and balance up the composition. Is it better? I don’t know.

About the Artist
Michael Masson

Lucky enough to be based in Dorset I have lovely countryside all around me from the New Forest to the rolling downs of north west Dorset and beyond. Add to that it’s just a few short minutes to the sea and you understand why I feel so privileged. Like so many I enjoyed drawing and painting as a…

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