

The titles for my works are meant to be as abstract as possible, and not give any content implication. They are made through a 7-letter random/ chance (Cage, Duchamp, etc.) process using a sequence of sets and selections that are time and date-based.


Posted by Ann Cook on Sun 08 Dec 15:25:44

Is the idea that we make our own interpretation of the work and do you have something in mind when you begin the drawing? Perhaps it would be a good idea to give some sort of explanation as to the reason behind the drawing? I must say that they are very energetic and I find myself looking closely trying to make some sort of sense from them. Here I see lots and lots of faces, general chaos and confusion which might not be what you intended. Your work does make me think though and actually, I rather like it. It's just that an explanation as to what you intended would be good and I don't understand your logic behind the titles.

The logic behind the titles is that there isn't any logic behind the titles, presumably: so that it's entirely up to the viewer how they're interpreted.

Louise - I want everyone who sees this type of drawing to have their own unique experience/ interpretation. I try to go as abstract as possible using lines and paints - to the essence as my psyche will permit, given my cultural background and education/ experiences... thanks for your comments -

Robert - thank you; put very simply and direct - in many years past I made short experimental filns with titles like, 'GCXW, in the third position' , for example - different process of choice but same intention -

Hang on Studio Wall

'dghkhxh' (title), pen and ink drawing by Bushniki Farfel, on paper, 15cm x 15cm, 2013, Santa Catarina, Brazil. http://www.bushniki.com/

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Bushniki Farfel

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