'Head dress'

'Head dress'

The bright colours set of the beautiful skin tones Andre, nice shading and contours.

Wonderful portrait André, beautiful colours and skin tones.

Thank you Carole and Cesare much appreciated.

Beautifully done Andre. Lovely colours and skin tones.

Very vibrant. Reminds me of when I lived in West Africa. Get the sense of the sun and the heat too.

Marvellous! That reminds me. I did some quickie inks.

Excellent portrait Andre

Agree with all Andre wonderful

Lovely - I would not guess that it is a quicky - so many colours.

Gorgeous Andre!! [ a word i've never used to describe a painting before!]

Pretty good Andre. I bet you enjoyed all those colours.

Hang on Studio Wall

Tonight's quickie 12x10 oil on board.

About the Artist
andre mulard

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