River Douglas

River Douglas

Excellent Alan, very atmospheric

IM not surprised it sold its just great!!

A compendium of watercolour technique in one picture. Absolutely lovely.

Beautiful use of watercolour.

A lovely loose and free style, I,d have been surprised if it didn,t sell. Well done.

congratulations alan ...i admire you loose watercolours .

Missed this the first time round. Not surprised it sold.Beautiful painting

Thanks for all the comments it's one of those painting you only appreciate yourself once it's gone. Not sure I want the ability to repeat easlily !! that would take away some of the fun, excitement and pleasure watercolours bring

Hang on Studio Wall
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This is a painting of the River Douglas recently sold at the Spring Exhibition of the Pendle Artists which was held at the ACE centre Nelson, Lancashire. It was produced from sketches drawn some time ago and brought to life as a loose watercolour only a few months ago. It is always a huge compliment and encouragement when someone buys your painting but it is not always possible to thank them personally, so if you are looking in .....thanks. alan

About the Artist
Alan Pedder

Self taught watercolour artist member of The Altrincham Society of artists and the Blackburn Society of Artists. Favourite artist Edward Seago from the same county as Alans mother, Norfolk. Visitors welcome to my small studio and gallery by appointment to talk, view or buy even. Mobile:…

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