Evening Snow

Evening Snow

Lovely atmospheric feel to this work Anthony, love the reflections in the melting snow

The warm glow from the lights does work really well in adding highlights to your lovely painting Anthony, the tyre tracks and buildings all painted really well

You have transformed an ordinary road into something well worth looking at.

Beautiful painting, love the light and contrasts in color to the light.. Your portfolio of work is very beautiful and driven by light. lovely

Hang on Studio Wall

Evening snow. Snow had fallen in Horncliffe village. Night had fallen and a mist had drifted in, making the light from the street lamp flare across the sky. Traffic movement can be seen in the snow and ice on the ground reflects the glare of the lamp. Lighted windows cast their own gleam onto the snow below.

About the Artist
Tony Johnson

I paint sea and landscapes along the Scottish borders and Northumberland.

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