rhuddlan castle

rhuddlan castle

Nice one Paul, love the texture of the brickwork.

Very dramatic view of the castle. I would have said that the grass was a bit too acid in colour but actually when you see the whole composition, the brightness of the grass works really well and is a good foil for the colour of the stonework. Nicely done.

thanks for your comments. i tried to accentuate the hight of the castle by getting a low angle and making the grass hill a bit steeper, i tried making the grass a bit duller but the whole painting started to look a bit dreery. its probably a painting i will repeat till i get it right.

Gorgeous rendition of castle Paul, perfect colour against the lovely sky and as Thea said the green of the grass is a good foil

Hang on Studio Wall

rhuddlan castle in north wales. acrylic on canvas 10 x 14inch. painted from a few photo's i took on a recent trip to wales.

About the Artist
paul winstanley

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