toxic fumes from impasto medium.

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Hang on Studio Wall
Hi, I recently bought Lukas painting butter but i'm really struggling with the fumes, i'v even tried using a dust/fume mask which is very annoying when trying to paint. Anyway, I wondered if anyone has tried both the Lukas butter and the W&N impasto so I can find out if the latter has less toxic fumes, i'v tried working in a ventilated room but it doesn't help and I won't use a fan because it blows dust onto my paintings, I don't want to pay out for another tube if the same chemicals are going to be a problem..... Thanks.
I´ve found these comments about painting butter on the web. They talk of cracks appearing in the paint quite soon as it is a fast drying medium. They also talk of it containing turps which would explain the smell and the faster drying times.
Hi, thank you for your reply, I suppose some people add more painting butter than they should to speed up drying time and then complain when their painting shows cracks, I don't know, but I know it's lovely to work with apart from the fumes, today I wore a mask and used a fan while painting, not something I care to repeat too often!