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Hang on Studio Wall
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Thanks again Robert! Can you remember which image wouldn't load up for you - just in case it needs attention? I should take a look! I know what you mean about the commercialness of the paintings. I know the flower pictures you are talking about. I don't know what they are called either! For my galleries I have created a separate web page for each picture and put a higher quality, larger version of the thumbnails on. It has taken a while to make but could help with people finding the images. I have just emailed Richmond College to see whether they want to join in with a plan of mine to contact local newspapers and magazines about Desmond Jones' paintings and his connection with Richmond College and its history as Twickenham Art College, especially since half the college buildings are about to be torn down this year, ready for a major restructure; so it would be a perfect time to reflect about what the college once was and what the plans are for its future! I know that the headmaster has good connections with the local newspaper owners because he spoke about it when I discussed my ideas for an exhibition last year! Two of my father's late colleagues also seemed to have connections with the Independent and the Guardian newspapers, so I could try that angle to make contact with the art critics with those newspapers! Cheers for now, Elaine x
It was a watercolour painting - I got the top, but then the download was taking so long I switched to another image, which worked much more quickly. I use Google Chrome rather than IE or other um... thing... whatever they're called: memory fade again.... It'll come to me in an hour or two.... not search engine, that's something else..... Oh dear......... Anyway, you probably know what I mean.... whatever Internet Explorer or Firefox or Chrome is, that's what I mean. I think I'll go back to bed.
Thanks Robert! No worries! All helpful! Cheers, Elaine x
Hi Robert and Everyone, I have some super news! About a month ago, I told the principal at Richmond upon Thames College (where my late artist father, Desmond Jones, went, when it was called "Twickenham Art School") that the family of Desmond Jones would like to present the college with one of his paintings, along with a plaque about his connection to the college. They gave me a date, in February and they have a restaurant called "Merits", so I asked whether we could invite guests to the presentation and have some afternoon tea at the restaurant. This was acceptable to the college and I have invited his Worship, the Mayor of Richmond Upon Thames (who is coming), the presidents of local art and history societies (some of whom are also coming), art gallery and auction owners, ex colleagues, family and friends. I even invited the Who Group (with Pete Townsend and Roger Daltry) as my father rented offices from them, at Shepperton Studios, in the 1980s) and was invited to quite a few of the parties they had at their big house! I received a very nice reply about how they couldn't come because they were rehearsing for their concert at Wembley Arena the following day!! I am also going to be taking along some extra paintings to make a little exhibition and they will hook up my computer to a large screen, where I will be able to show the web site (www.desmondjonesart.co.uk) to the guests as well! I think this has actually worked out even better than my original idea because, making it an event has allowed me to invite everyone to it. Many of the invited guests will probably not be able to make it but even inviting them will have allowed me to contact them and familiarise them with my late father and his work, which all helps to raise awareness about him. Of course, I am going to have to make a speech now but I can manage that. I am used to talking to crowds because I am a singer / guitar player who has played many, many concerts etc.!! There is also a BBC site called "Your Paintings, which aims to show the entire UK collection of oil paintings, the stories behind the paintings and where to see them for real. The paintings have to be able to be viewed by the public and be hanging in something like a museum. Having one at the college might allow me to include my late father in this project too. I can find out! Here is the website, in case this might be of interest to anyone else:- http://www.bbc.co.uk/arts/yourpaintings/about Would you, Robert Jones, Keora, Dermot and Syd Edward like to come to the presentation and afternoon tea? You have all been very helpful! If you live anywhere near Twickenham, Middx., and would like to come, do email me at [email protected] and I will email you details? Thanks again for all your advice. Regards, Elaine
Well that's very cheering news - and I hope everything goes well; even better than you hope. It would have been good to get The Who along, but still - I think they're even older than I am, so it's quite encouraging to hear they're still at work! A lesson for all of us .... I live on the Isle of Wight, and don't travel much - but thanks for the invitation; if I could, I would, but it gets a bit expensive for a pensioner: and if I go anywhere, I have to stay overnight, so it gets expensive. But I shall certainly be there in spirit: let us know how it goes. Let's hope this is only the start in getting your father the recognition he deserves.
Thanks Robert! I'll let you know how it goes! Cheers, Elaine
No worries Syd! All the best! Elaine
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