Outdoor show in Bournemouth

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Hang on Studio Wall
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Stressful day. Arruved at campsite yesterdy with wife and all fine. Then took gear to the Open Air site amd all fine. Easy night watched a not very good Euro final and bed, Had breakfast and the power went off in the van. Checked and nothing evident. Call at site office hah hah but al out, Couldn't let Carole know as Phone out of stuff, not charge. Got bus to site trying to topup 3 times and failed. Knew Carole would try things and let me know. On site, set up only 6 artistst there, very windy. Realised big mistake only 2 pics to hang, so had to buy 2 frames to make a meagre show. Other folk very helpful. Not busy at all. Early knockoff tday and power tp srt out - fridge tell etc, cook dinner, chill and try all again tomorrow. If Caole can be pursueaded to come back ASAP and bring frames I mght be OK. Now in Castlepoint Labrary as no wifi on site.
That does sound like a very stressful day, Derek. Have a few stiff ones (drinks) and have a fresh start tomorrow, all the very best.
Hope things pick up for you Derek - I will be coming down to see you on Friday - but let me know if there is anything I can do to help in the meantime. Donna
Poor Derek, but hopefully it can only get better - can't it? Will keep my fingers crossed for better luck.
Cheers Carole, Donna and Adele. Much better frame of mind, power on firdge restored and all fine. on site 10.30 and off at 4 as the weather started to look ominous, so back in the library on the way back to catch up. It is useful when minus laptop because of no WiFi. Thanks Donna, look forwrd to seeing you, no things needed I hope by then - some company of course. not sure where in the stands I will be but they're all in a curving line. I might even wear my French beret so yo can recognise me, but the main thing so far is that my work is very different to all the pretty floral picutures and seaside, beach, seascapes., My wife coming tomorrow to revive the lack of framed stuff I didn't bring, old gits mind didn't work initially. Meat balls and pasta tonight, after I figure out how to operate the cooker and stuff.
French beret, eh Derek? Oh la la. Mmm meat balls and pasta - yum - or not if the cooker doesn't work, then I guess it's bread and butter.
Yay!! Glad things have improved for you Derek - I will look out for the French beret BUT no onions !!! Hope you managed to have your meat balls & pasta - would you like coffee and sandwich on Friday ????
It was delish, thanks. Out to Wetherspoons after this for a couple of pints ir three then one of the many buses out of B/Mouth to campsite. Coffee would be nice Donna ta Carole brought frames and stuff I needed so my display looks resonable now. Sold one today
It was delish, thanks. Out to Wetherspoons after this for a couple of pints ir three then one of the many buses out of B/Mouth to campsite. Coffee would be nice Donna ta Carole brought frames and stuff I needed so my display looks resonable now. Sold one today Should have said black with sugar please.
Glad you sold something Derek and really pleased you didn't starve last night. Say hello to Donna from me when you see her.
Congratulations on the sale Derek. Looking forward to meeting you on Friday, with Donna. Hope the weather holds out for you . Bob
Thanks Donna and Bob. I usually get there about 10am because of the bus service, which is excellent but I can't use my old gits pass before 09.30. Setting up takes 15 mins or so. It hasd been glorious today weather wise and I have asked to be put on the sunny side, which if coming from The Square will be on the left. No beret as it's back home. My work doesn't feature the glut of beach,sea scenes, Look forward to seeing you. If I am not on the plot, I am at the toilet, cafe or wandering amongst the other starving whatsits.
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