Merry Christmas

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Hang on Studio Wall
To all my friends of the POL-site: I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Creative New Year. I am not painting for the moment (except a few Birthday- and Christmas-cards) due to (again) back-problems. I still have a look at the site every day and I follow all your postings and discussions. :) Mia
The very same to you, Mia - and may I piggy-back on your Christmas greetings by sending mine to everyone on POL, especially to those who have sent me private greetings. You and I are in similar case - I have painted a Christmas card (of Charlie the dog, whose enthusiasm for the season appears somewhat limited) and I hope this is going to get me working again, because, probably due to the all-pervading damp caused by week on week of rain and wind, I've had arthritic problems in just about every available joint - even typing is uncomfortable verging on painful, which is a bit of a curse for an inveterate web-natterer like me. I'll be able to overcome this once I get into my groove again, but I realize you may not have that luxury: I hope however that you will be able to work again soon, because I suspect that like many of us, you really need to in order to justify your existence to yourself. It would be nice to be able to be inactive with a clear conscience, but we're not all very good at that...