Hospital exhibition

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Hang on Studio Wall
Our club regularly has the main very long corridor in the local RHCH for several months and it has proven quite successful in sales.. We were also invited to display a few works in the reception waiting area for the PT patiients. We got a call to change them so I did mine yesterday. Wasn't around when the first batch (inc. one of mine) went up but it hadn't sold, just one had gone. I thought I had all the stuff needed to change, but didn't have a special drill bit to remove the original security screws. Used phone a fair bit of legwork and managed, then standing back it wasn't level, so did it again. The next person in was our secretary and he would have quite rightly nit picked if I had left it. Worth the effort.
You have been busy, Derek, hope your paintings are appreciated and are snapped up. Its hard to think some people would steal from the hospital...I presume this from your task of having the drill bit for security fixings. All the best with the exhibition.
We do not normally expect any sales when exhibiting at a hospital unless you get a doctor interested.
Thanks Carol and Pat. It has been known for folk just to take them off the cords and walk away. We do OK in terms of sales.
I ran over 100 exhibitions in the Hospital where I worked inviting local artists of all abilities to apply. Sales were slow but steady.The paintings were on standard rods and although we didn't have security fixings for the paintings we only had two thefts in the 10 years I was running them. One was a theft that was never detected and one was solved by security cameras - the thief was found on camera to have very wide shoulders (I joke you not) and was identified as being known to the police. I am currently working with a large Medical Practice where I have been asked to write an agreement for exhibitors to sign. Heads of agreement will include, but not be limited to, (oops silpping back into legal phraseology there) and in no particular order: arrangements for hanging and striking, insurance of paintings and property of both parties, right to remove paintings deemed not appropriate, dates and length of exhibitions, points of contact, framing and presentation requirements, numbers of works per exhibition, labelling of work, charges for work not removed on due date, contibution to practice/hospital, arrangements regarding sales. I have already advised on a suitable hanging system which includes secuity hangers which go on the drop rods to support the pictures. If anyone is interested in knowing more about this just send me a personal message. On the question of pictures deemed not suitable I have had problems in the past where I have had to decline/reject paintgs. This includes life work which was likely to offend (especially those of stricter religious faiths), jazz scenes where there were people smoking (not in a hosptal which had larger cancer specialties), and even fruit etc when it was displayed outside wards where the patients were on strict dietry regimes for whatever purpose. All this may seem a bit OTT but had to reflect the requests and requirements of the Hospital at large.

by Michael Edwards