Sad but true

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Hang on Studio Wall
Met a 16 yr old distant rellie last week who is studying art, going into Graphics. She says she can't draw, waiting to see some of her creations when she emails them to me. Never taught drawing, does all her work on IPads and Photoshop. She's really bright,well supported, no BFs for distraction and what a pity as she must be either damn good or she won't make it in that overcrowded world she aims for.
It is sad I just think if you are studying "Art" it is good to start with all the basics and grow from there. But surely at 16 she has lots of time to change her mind.
I suppose that if you're going to make a career in illustration and graphic design, you need to know how to make them electronically, ie on Ipads and with Photoshop - about which I don't have the first idea. Some on POL use them, of course, with good results - it's just that I should prefer to achieve those results in paint; but then I'm not trying to build a career. I wouldn't worry about a relative using these devices, or even about not being taught how to draw - there are numerous books on the subject (a bit of a dearth of instructional films, though) and if you really want to draw, you'll just do it. You don't have to be restricted to the Ipad - it may even be that one of these days, the work of those who can draw by hand with pencil on paper will be at a premium, because there will be those who value the work of the unaided human hand above that which is empowered by machines.... Tell your relative that - it might inspire her to have a go: my point is though that you don't have to wait to be taught how to draw, and tuition isn't really necessary though may be helpful. For those poised to take issue with me, by the way, I'm not arguing there's anything wrong with using Ipads or whatever else may exist: I might use one myself if I felt it was a reasonable investment to make - but I'm waiting for the price to tumble first....
Not a problem with your words Robert and Syd. Just my feelings about drawing. Her and her mum have had a look at my website and commented favourably (of course, couldn't be cruel to an old git rellie like me)) and I am waiting to see some of her work.