Im no artist looking for tips please

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Hang on Studio Wall
Hi guys, I hope someone will be able to help me. I am converting an under-stairs area for my two, small children. The under stairs area id like to paint is literally, directly under the staircase where the floor area is our living room. So, the wall directly underneath the stairs is slanted, and I'd like to paint a winding, road from the bottom of it, leading right up underneath the stairs. Unfortunately, I have no art skills apart from doing the odd mural on a straight wall. The winding road doesnt look right. Do I start the road big from the bottom of the slanted area? Or big from the top of the slanted area? I'd like the road to be winding right up the wall please if possible. I'd like to get it right in pencil before I paint it. Could anyone help please?
I'm having some trouble envisaging this - don't suppose you could take a photograph of the area and post it on the forum? But you need to think about the perspective here, and that means that objects will be bigger the nearer they are to you and smaller as they recede into the distance: so the wide part of your winding road is going to be at the bottom of the wall, getting narrower as it climbs up and away. Which sounds obvious in theory but may be confusing in practice. However: that's how you do it.

by Robert Jones

Thank you for your replies. Here's a photo in case i've confused you. I'd like to paint a yellow brick road leading up to the Emerald castle at the top. So I thought it would be easy enough to start of with the wider part of the road at the bottom of the stair wall and making it thinner / winding leading to the castle. Somehow, when i pencilled it in, it didnt look right. Am I doing it wrong?
Well, it's different..... yes, I can see it now.... I also see your problem.... the trouble here is the slant of the surface on which you're going to paint: physically, the top of that surface is nearer to us than the bottom. Hmmmmmmmmmm..... Well, I yield to others' opinions, but I think I'd still put the broad part of the river at the bottom and gradually taper towards the top; but I'm glad you're doing it and not me. Any muralists out there to come to our aid?
Thanks for all of your hep guys. Here it is so far (still a way to go yet) but am I one the right path?? (no pun intended) ;-)
I should say so, yes..... you don't hang about, do you .....?
Here's an update....I finally went to bed at 2am this morning. Im making a nook under the stairs for my kids so building work next. :-)
Thank you so much. I think I needed pointing in the right direction first before I made a mess of it. :-) Toto is going in a frame and on the shelf once its finished.