covering mistakes with acrylic

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Hang on Studio Wall
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Mel. would be too busy for more...
We have removed some of the postings in this thread as we felt the content was inappropriate.
Me too thanks team :-D
May I point out that the postings were removed at Thea's request so thanks should go to Thea. We can all suffer from hindsight. She acted in good faith but in perhaps a little too much detail.
To Partially quote Nora B. "So I agree with Meltemi to give it a go as long as the class is taught with respect and dignity to all participants and if you go away with one new perspective on painting it is worthwhile". Well thank you ma'am...the gentleman that I am assumes:- courtesy...dignity..respect...civility...respect etc. to be given & accepted by all parties at all times in all situations...especially in a 'class-room' situation... All I ever hoped for in this situation was for one person to leave at the end with greater perception...understanding...ability...inspiration to do more for themselves... This is all one perhaps should expect from any given art-class of any duration. It cannot make you a different cannot make you a better artist... But if you accept that what you were shown was sincerely offered, then it is up to you to make what ever changes in your art that you feel inspired to make. But then I see art as an individual [dare I say near-religious pilgrimage?] that one decides to make. There are many routes for self-discovery. For me it is just doing it. Getting on with it. For as long as I can. To the best of my ability. In my own unique way...[style?].... For me as an artist the art-class situation would not work...I urge you all to find your art from within you...
Hey Mel I need to get out of the house and get some inspiration and confidence which fortunately this new class is going to do although like you I will in the end do my own thing and most work will be completed at's 3 hours of complete peace which is like gold dust around my place...I find even in class my own way comes through as long as I'm left alone to get on with it with the occasional prompt or suggestion...for me it's like being back at college where we so enjoyed whether I go back that's another thing...they want me to join the society but that means work which will cut into my me time of which I have little...and I'm not sure I want to get too involved *-)
Yes Norder is correct in that Thea did ask the team to remove her posts...because it was me who started the thread she did let me know...but until now it has been confidential but now that it has been mentioned I feel I too can talk about it...Thea is going through a hard time at the moment and I think that we should all encourage her to come back to the Forum and not feel she has to stay away because she perhaps got a little passionate about the I did when I started this thread...I think for all of us there are times in our lives that we will get passionate about a subject and perhaps commit a small faux pas...I really hope I have not stepped over the line here if I have I apologise in advance and hope we can put this to bed now and remain friends Please :-S :-) :-> :-D :D
I say well said too. Agree with lots of your sentiments, Patsy. Specially, don't want to lose you, Thea, your contribution is invaluable to the forum like I said.
Perhaps I should mention here also that Bea (Aqua) has also left the forum and the entire site. Her gallery has disappeared. In this digital age, it is so easy to respond instantly to comments that maybe many of us don't think before we write and comments get made that in hindsight we wish we hadn't made or could have worded differently. Health or family problems cloud our responses. People get offended or upset. I've seen it happen often on the email lists that I belong to. Perhaps a salutary lesson to us all to write our replies in Word and leave them for an hour before posting so that we can reflect on what we have said. I personally hope that both Thea and Bea will come back; they both have a great deal to offer this forum. I have written privately to both of them asking them to reconsider.
Thankyou Norder for that information now I think what we must all do is gather around our friends and please encourage them to come back...I will start forthwith
Oh please, please Thea and Aqua - do come back. Your invaluable input, advice, tips on art is much appreciated and I would be very sad not to be able to read and take part in your postings. Pretty please! :-(
As I mentioned on a previous thread, sometimes regular posters (and I include myself in that) can get forum fatigue. I am sure that as long as there is a welcome, which there is, when the time is right, for them, all will return. Euphrosene
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