Artists Chromacolour

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Hang on Studio Wall
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I don't think there is an animal rights argument going on here or any other argument for that matter. As I understood it, the forum is for people to express their opinions and views with the proviso that they aren't rude or unpleasant to anyone in doing this. I was merely expressing my opinion about the clip you brought to the forum's attention and that is all. Hopefully forum users can always feel confident that they can express their opinions without fear that they will be entering into some 'argument'. The opinions I have expressed are merely my personal views and nothing more and I have total respect for anyone having a differing viewpoint. This exchange of ideas is what makes a vehicle like the forum stimulating and interesting and hopefully lively debate will continue. But arguing - hopefully never.
Absolutely agree with you. Maybe the use of the word 'argument' was wrong, 'issue' may have been better :D
Subject adequately dealt with I feel. No further utterances on the subject will pass my lips. To quote you, Jedi 'There is peace'.
Has any one used these multipurpose artist paints?  I was at patchings yesterday and managed to have a go of them quickly. They seem amazing so versatile and so vibrant in colour.  These Artists also use them and their work or the rich colours in their works are second to none in my opinion:- I was just wandering if anyone here has first hand experience? You cant buy these in normal art shops yet only on their website:-
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