The St Andrews Photography Festival

The St Andrews Photography Festival

The St Andrews Photography Festival is delighted to have teamed up with No. 18 (The Gin Fayre) to bring you a very special festival launch event.

Each session lasts one hour and the ticket price includes a welcome drink from our generous gin sponsor, Darnley's. Each of our 16 exhibitions have been paired up with an appropriate matching gin, so if you do fancy an additional tipple to enjoy as you peruse the exhibition, our bar staff will be more than happy to oblige. Session 1: 12:00 - 13:00 Session 2: 13:30 - 14:30 Session 3: 15:00 - 16:00 Session 4: 16:30 - 17:30 About the Photography Festival: It has been over 175 years since the discovery that changed how we view and document the world around us. William Henry Fox Talbot's infamous photographic process patent did not apply to Scotland, and so experiment abounded in this north east corner of Fife. St Andrews luminaries, Dr John Adamson, Hugh Lyon Playfair, Alexander Govan, Admiral William Maitland Dougall, Lord Kinnaird, Thomas Rodger, Robert Adamson, David Octavius Hill, and Sir David Brewster were some of the first amateur and professional Scottish photographers. Scotland has produced a lineage of exceptional photographers whose impact transcends national borders. Adding to this long standing tradition, the St Andrews Photography Festival will celebrate and showcase Scottish photographers spanning the full history of the medium in non-traditional venues throughout the town. Talks by academics and artists, tours revealing the hidden photographic history of the town, and historic process workshops will complement the exhibitions, allowing visitors to delve into photographic history, in the home of Scottish photography. Category: Arts | Visual Arts | Galleries / Art. Sub-Categories: Exhibitions | Lifestyle, Arts, Leisure. Festivals. Facebook:


02 Sep 2017 - 02 Sep 2017

12:00 pm - 5:30 pm.

Lower Parliament Hall

Standard admission - GBP 8.

David Russell

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