Surrey Figurative Artists

Surrey Figurative Artists

Surrey Figurative Artists will be showing their new collection of paintings and sculpture at Ashtead Park Lane Fine Arts, 102 The Street, Ashtead,Surrey KT21 !AW (01372-277284). The gallery is owned by Lorna Valentine-Daines, sister of the well known artist Sherree Valentine-Daines. The new collection consists of various mediums including oils, pastels and watercolours. Work will comprise of Figurative, Life, Still Life and Landscape pieces. The exhibition runs from 25th October to 8th November. See the website www Surrey Figurative Artists are a group of friends, professional and amateur artists, that come together each week to paint from life. About twenty artists will be taking part, apart from our drawing and painting skills the group has specialists in Embroidery, Textiles and Sculpture. No embroidery and textiles will be shown in this exhibition.


25 Oct 2008 - 08 Nov 2008

All day

Vivienne Dixon

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