Plymstock & District Art Society (PANDAS) Art Exhibition & Sale

Plymstock & District Art Society (PANDAS) Art Exhibition & Sale

Varied work of local artists.

A great opportunity to see the varied work of local artists as the exhibition will have around 80 plus original framed pictures and many unframed browsers to thumb through. Watercolours, oils, acrylics, pastels and mixed-media on a wide range of subjects that will tempt you to be happy and healthy by giving up chocolate and buying a painting for a lifetime's reward! Do come and look in on us and who knows, you may be inspired to join us!


11 Apr 2019 - 13 Apr 2019

Thurs & Fri 9am - 6pm,, Sat 9am - 5pm.

Plymstock Library PL9 9BU


michael battley


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