Pastel workshop
All day Pastel Workshop, The Lophams' Village Hall. B1113 off of A1066. 10am - 4pm. £40 per person. Booking essential.
Pastels are a versatile media that create vibrant paintings. The course is suitable for beginners and experienced artists and will cover basic pastel techniques and mixed media approaches to pastel painting, working from photos. I am happy for people to follow my demonstration, or bring their own pictures to work on, with advice and assistance from me. A selection of pastels can be provided for beginners and experimentation, please bring your own if you already have them. You will also need: A board: for attaching your paper to and working on. Paper: preferably “Fisher 400” or “Uart sanded paper”. * Masking tape: to attach paper to board. Hand wipes / Baby wipes. A packed lunch: the village hall is not near any shops.
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