Julie-Ann Art Exhibition

Julie-Ann Art Exhibition

Solo Exhibition by up and coming Warrington Artist. Bold and bright modern art in Acrylics on large canvas box frames. Texture and brush strokes, abstract art. To be held at THE PYRAMID ARTS CENTRE PALMYRE SQUARE WARRINGTON TOWN CENTRE Open to the public week days 10.00-4.00

This exhibition is the debut for new Warrington Artist Julie-Ann Voce. At the age of 44 she has at long last realized her lifetime ambition and become an independant Artist in her own right. Julie has battled with long term depression and inflamatory arthritis for many years. She recently took advice from the employment team at Warrington Disability Centre and this was the outcome. She is able to be there for her young daughter and work from home part time at the same time. This is only the second time (apart from High school) that Julie has been able to show-case her tallent so if you appreciate modern art and would like to view her individual abstract paintings then do go along to Warrington to support her.


03 Nov 2009 - 28 Nov 2009

All day

Julie-Ann Voce

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