

Calling all artist and group leaders/ Classes/ Art Clubs. The HoldaHand project is a national arts project in which 64,000 people are invited to participate. 64,000 small white sculptures of a hand will be distributed in a number of ways to groups and individuals. Handholders will hold the hand for a year and be creative with it, they will then bring it back to a massive exhibition.

The Holdahand project is a national arts project that aims to include over 64,000 people in the UK, In the first inclusive arts project of this size. We are sending out 64,000 hand sculptures into the general public in a number of different ways:- 1. A quarter of the hands will be sent to groups of people who will work both individually and as a group. 2. A quarter will be place around towns and cities for people to find randomly 3. The half of the hands will be available for purchase at £2.50 from the web site and numerous outlets (galleries, museums and some festivals) (the cost covers the making of the hand and the postage etc.) Each hand comes with instructions of how to register and what to do with it. Each HandHolder is given the opportunity to hold the hand for up to a year and be creative with the sculpture in which ever way they want. Trials suggest that in the first instance people will take the hand with them as they travel around the world, taking photos and decorating the hand. But as time goes by and people exhibit their work other creative responses develop into painting, writing, sculpture, design and fashion. After the year has passed we will call all hand holders to return their hand. We will be hosting a massive exhibition that holds all the 64,000 hands in a gallery. Every hand will have a space and each handholder will be given a map of the exhibition so they know where to put their sculpture. They may also be able to visit other hands that they have seen exhibited in the months before. All groups and individuals will be encouraged to display and exhibit their work in the time they hold hands either within their own community or on the web site or other urban sites such as FaceBook ( a group has been set up) and Youtube. For more info contact www.holdahand.com to look at the project. We launch in July so get in quick for one of the early numbered hands. Groups and individuals can apply for hands on the web site.


06 Jul 2008 - 10 Jan 2010

All day

Sam O'Brien

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