First Responders Exhibition

First Responders Exhibition

Eddisbury Artist's First Responder Exhibition runs : 24th January 2014 - 24th March 2014 at the award winning Bank Quay Gallery in Warrington. Each artist has produced two paintings - the first of the pair was given to another artist in the group to respond to, the second was made in response to a work received in return.

24th January 2014 - 24th March 2014 at the award winning Bank Quay Gallery in Warrington. Each artist prepared a first work of their choice. Each work was then ‘allocated’ to another artist in the group who used it to inspire a second work. First Work Criteria Could be a new or recent existing work. If existing it would not have been exhibited with EA previously. The work would reflect the artist’s preferred way of working and may be of any subject matter. The cohesiveness of the exhibition will derive from the way we responded to each other’s works. Second Work Criteria Artists would have used and responded to elements of the work they received from a fellow EA member as inspiration and input to their second work. Artists were free to choose whatever element/s of the source work they would like to respond to and using their existing working methods, produced the second work.


24 Jan 2014 - 24 Mar 2014

All day

Anne Bonner

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