Downland: Paintings by Chris Forsey

Downland: Paintings by Chris Forsey

Guildford House Gallery is pleased to welcome local artist Chris Forsey from Saturday 6 March to Saturday 27 March 2010, with an exhibition of scenic paintings inspired by the ‘landscape on his doorstep’ - the Downs. Chris, who has been a professional painter for twelve years following a career as an illustrator, claims his affection for the Downs began whilst attending a field trip to Mickleham near Dorking as an A Level Geography student in the late 1960s. He returned to live in Dorking in the early 1980s and has used the Downs as a source of inspiration for his landscape painting ever since.

Chris’ regular walks and sketching opportunities on the Downs between Reigate and Guildford, and his appreciation of the uninterrupted views along the steep slopes; the gentle but dramatic downland scarp; the hidden valleys; and the yew tree lined paths have inspired the work in this exhibition. He has succeeded in capturing the changing atmospheric moods of this beautiful landscape through the seasons. Using a combination of acrylic, mixed media and watercolour, Chris uses unusual tools and techniques to produce textures of broken and glazed layers in his loose, representational paintings. Often working on two or three paintings at once, he seeks to exploit the serendipitous and create exciting, spontaneous work. Chris belongs to The Dorking group of Artists. He exhibits widely across the UK, regularly showing at prestigious London exhibitions and has won prizes for his work with the Royal institute of Painters in Watercolour (RI), and Society of Graphic Fine Artists (SGFA), Denbies Bacchus painting award 2009 and Runner-up in the Surrey Artists “Baines Award” 2009. Guildford House Gallery is delighted to welcome Chris to his first solo show at the gallery, following a very successful art workshop in 2009.


06 Mar 2010 - 27 Mar 2010

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