Doris Hatt Exhibition

Doris Hatt Exhibition

Visit the Exhibition The exhibition ‘A Life in Colour: The Art of Doris Hatt’ is being produced in association with the Court Gallery. It is open at the Museum of Somerset, Taunton, from 16 March to 29 June. The charge for this exhibition is Pay What You Think.

The 20th-century artist Doris Hatt (1890–1969) was described in her lifetime as ‘an artist of distinction’ who pursued her own path ‘with delicate modesty and with an artist’s curiosity and conscience.’ She was also a woman ahead of her time – a feminist and socialist whose remarkable life and work have remained surprisingly little known.Doris was a Somerset pioneer of British modernism. She exhibited her vibrant works over almost five decades, beginning in 1920, and contributed to many exhibitions in the South West. Doris’s painting style developed over time as she absorbed the major influences of 20th-century modernism, including cubism, purism, abstraction and the works of Cézanne, Picasso, Braque, Dufy and Léger. Her work includes portraiture, still lifes and landscapes.


16 Mar 2019 - 29 Jun 2019


The Museum of Somerset


Angela Wilcox

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