Xmas and that...

Xmas and that...

Xmas and that...

What you don't know about me is that I am Ray Mears estranged twin (Although he got the outdoor skills and I got the looks and style). A good deal unless civilisation collapses and then I end up with egg on my face (or not as I wouldn't really know how to go about actually finding an egg unless it was in a box in Sainsburys). Anyway because my family know about my Mearsism I often get considerable Mearsish gifts around Xmas and B/Ds (I really must get round to making the handle for the hand-made blade from Sweden for my Antler Knife ...that I got for my 40th. I've been curing the ash and oak pieces for a year now). This year has been no exception with a variety of outdoor clothes, meers DVDs and Books under the tree (decorated with Mears inspired natural decorations hand crafted by me with a machette and crook knife). Basically I did well for presents... but on top of that I also did well on ebay. I am now the proud owner of an open canoe (I've had canoes and kayaks before - but this is a newer and bigger one) and a new butchers block with shelves - for the studio.... The butchers block means I can tidy up quicker when painting... the canoe is a new project - can I paint from it? This will be the challenge this year. I'm trying to work out how to bolt a desk easel to the centre thwart. I will update with progress. On the painting front for some reason I've just lost direction - hence a couple of wierd flower things... I think they're quite nice, but don't look for botanical accuracy. Anyway, next post next year. Ade
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