What are you intending to paint this year...?

What are you intending to paint this year...?

What are you intending to paint this year...?

Happy new year...! Hope you had a great holiday season...I enjoyed being with the family...doing a fair bit of dog walking....but No art work...! Unless you count decorating the home for Christmas...Oh well. I have given up making new year resolutions...and decided to give myself a few goals instead....! I mean...wouldnt it be fun to trace a river to its beginnings and paint it from mountain to sea....? Thats a big goal. Another goal is to keep a garden journal,not so big...dooable....! I wonder how many of us will have vowed to paint something every day....? Not me......? Because its just such a let down when life gets in the way..like the one day I had last week when I was all ready to paint and....HELLO...! We just popped in to see you....wont stay long...(I dont count two hours later a short visit.....infuriating,yes....!).. Santa gave me some oil paints...I know I could be using them right now instead of scribbling this....I also received a nasty cold...which is why I am not up to painting today...too many sneezes...!..Anyway along with a landscapes and seascapes....I am hoping to paint flowers again....but this time on a large scale...not the botanical studies of the past....those can go into the garden journal...! So what are you intending to paint this year...?
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