Trophy boy portrait - day 1 initial sketch

Trophy boy portrait - day 1 initial sketch

Trophy boy portrait - day 1 initial sketch

Straight onto the next project. This time back to portraits and this is my youngest son. I wanted to have a go at watercolour pencil. I like the idea of watercolour pencils but have not had much success with them so far. I have made a basic sketch from the photo and will start on the watercolour pencil tomorrow. My problem with watercolour pencil is that I never know when to apply water or not. I end up adding water just for the sake of it. I do like dipping the pencil in water and getting strong strokes that way. On the way back from work I have to walk over a level crossing. Why is it, I wonder that every time I approach it, morning and afternoon it always goes down. It's not really a busy line, probably 4 or so trains an hour but for some reason I always seem to hit it at the wrong time. There must be some law of averages that can determine what the likelihood is of me getting to it at the wrong time each day. In some respects smaller journeys are worse than longer ones because I am on a shorter time scale....does anyone else find that?
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