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Trophy Boy - oil pastel portrait
Trophy Boy - oil pastel portrait
I have worked and worked on the face, there are some areas that need fixing still. Such as the teeth and shading. The shading I have achieved with sage green but needs to be gone over in a dark flesh. I have started to work on the hands and t-shirt. For some reason the red of the pastel came out orange on the scan. The hands also need some clarity with the shading that needs to be changed to be fleshier.
The new car is going well. I have an obsession with the petrol gauge though. I need to ensure that this car is more economical than the galaxy so I can't take my eyes off the gauge - well obviously I can otherwise I would be crashing the car, but certainly more than I need to. The tit for tat goes on and on. I transfer my car insurance he cancels the house insurance and as most people look forward to their holiday I am beginning to dread it. For surely I will need to suffer for daring to go on holiday with my children. I was made to suffer so much in October I sold the holiday hopefully not this time but with a week and a half to go goodness knows what will get flung at me.
My eldest son told me that I was using the indicator too much ...??!!?!? This from a 13 year old. I need to smarten myself up. Looking in the mirror I looked half dead I thought. What I need is some good nights sleep, some better make up (tinted moisturiser just doesn't do it anymore) and a little bit of something to make me smile.....oh and I need to sort my voice out - husky it may be but losing my voice mid sentence and coughing and spluttering does not look too good.
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