Too hot to open..still waiting...

Too hot to open..still waiting...

Too hot to open..still waiting...

The difference between painting and pottery is evident on days like today. Firing my kiln yesterday was exciting..a combination of tractor,generator,wires doing something everywhere..noise,heat,smell.And now,behind that hot closed door lies sucess or disaster...?If I am not patient and open the door it will crack up and be a total disaster...keep the greenhouse has had an annnual clean..its away from my tempation to peep...tie my hands together...sit on them..go out...! Now I love painting,but I cant paint in this mood..and you just dont get the same feelings when you have finished a painting...or do you..? I supose I could stir up a few glazes,so when I do open the door on my biscuit firing(The one you do before glazing) I can get on and 'paint' my stuff..mostly leaf bowls and platters....Then the whole process will happen again...another firing..and an even longer wait ...I feel like a kid again waiting for christmas.....!Off to make some calming tea.....
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