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To Alan
To Alan
After seeing the magnificent work of Alan Owen, I wanted to trie to paint a watercolour landscape the way he did. I know I have a completely different style, with a basic drawing, then painting in and finaly adding some pen-work details. But I admired the loose way of Alan's paintings so much that I wanted to trie it too. Today I started with a simple landscape, putting in just a few basic pencil lines and painting as free as I could. I was not very happy with the result and couldn't resist to add some pen-work for the details. Result: It didn't look like Alan's work at all! So: start again and ban the pen out of the room!!! The result was in my opinion better than the first one and reading the positive comment of Alan gave me a real boost. I won't say that I wil paint like that all the time but now and then it wil bring me out of my comfort zone. I like the pen-drawing too much for that, but it wil free me and by practising, practising and practising... I will get better and better (I hope).
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