Throwback Thursday

Throwback Thursday

Jubilee in Isolation/Patriotic Still Life (46cm x 33cm Framed) - Derwent Coloursoft on White Daler Rowney Cartridge

Apologies for the image appearing twice today - the size of the image was incorrect. Anyhow, down to business. Today is Throwback Thursday....... My online presence as an artist started in a highly successful Jubilee Year which inspired many talented individuals to participate in art competitions and exhibitions across the length and breadth of the country where Britain was at the heart of their themes. I became a prizewinner in October 2012 when my cp rendering of “Jubilee in isolation” won first place in the leisure category of the Best of British competition held by the Leisure Painter and The Artist magazines. As part-time working mum to three children and a full-time housewife (and still to some extent today!), I was studying as a student of London Art College and gained distinctions on their portraiture certificate course. My husband, Michael said this about my work "She has the potential to achieve great things in the art world. She doesn’t realise just how much talent she has. She’s been drawing since her late teens and never had the opportunity or income to follow a traditional academic route. She’s always put the family first so attending a local art college was never an option. LAC provides an alternative in distance learning using the latest web technology for the submission of assignments and is backed up by quality tutors and a thriving online forum." Shortly after winning this award which was a huge confidence boost, I enrolled on the coloured pencil certificate course with London Art College intending to make CP my preferred media as an artist. And my prize for winning Leisure Painter's "Best of Britain 2012" - a commemorative wooden box of pencils, worth £500, provided by Derwent. This takes pride of place in my household along with a canvas print of my artwork and the winning image featured in the January 2013 issue of the magazine. But the success didn't stop there....because in April 2014, the original was renamed "Patriotic Still Life" and was displayed at the UKCPS Open International Art Exhibition held at the Royal Birmingham Society of Artists Gallery in St Paul's Square. Working mums always try to provide healthy food options for their family whilst giving them a favourite meal. A regular favourite of the Maguire clan, this oven roasted dish provided the source for my inspiration. As it’s a traditional English meal, I was split between a formal or informal composition. Had I chosen informal, the composition may have featured a newsprint set-up! The painting has been renamed from its former “Jubilee in Isolation” title. A few “Ikea” props later, including union jack tea towel and the quintessentially British cuppa, the Patriotic Still Life came into being. The meal was enjoyed by all albeit after several reference photographs were produced! Derwent Coloursoft on White Cartridge, I pride myself in taking as long as necessary to produce an acceptable image, but don’t stop-watch the process since this reduces the fun and excitement as the rendering takes shape. I hope you enjoyed my "Throwback Thursday". Thanks for reading.,winners-of-the-best-of-britain-painting-competition-announced_5542.htm
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