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The fun of being part of an Art Association
The fun of being part of an Art Association
We are having a lot of fun making plans for AAA in 2013! We will be running at least two exhibitions this year, including our big annual exhibition in Cheshire and these are possibly our most exciting and challenging events of the year. Working towards an exhibition gives you purpose in your artwork, after all, you have a time limit and you have to get finished in time! Often however, the difficulty is not in the work itself but in deciding what to draw, paint or sculpt. We are often asked; ‘where can I find the reference for my animal artwork?’ Our answer to this always is to try and find your own reference, no matter how mundane you may think your subject matter is. Being able to work from life, albeit with simple sketches to accompany your photographs gives you so much more information to work from than using a photograph alone. Often the most popular pieces of artwork are the ones that evoke an emotional response…and this can only happen if the artist truly understands their subject.
The Association of Animal Artists runs reference gathering days out and working from life opportunities and we are not alone, there are other associations that do this too. So if you want to stretch yourself as an artist why not join an art association and go along and meet like-minded artists!
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