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The Energy of Quick Sketches.
How to regain confidence by painting some quick sketches.
I often find that I begin a painting with a strong sense of image in my mind, and the feeling and mood that I wish to create in that painting.
However, these well thought out, planned works sometimes just don't work out as initially envisaged, and this can be quite frustrating. I find I work and work, and probably over-work. I concentrate too much on an aspect of the painting that I think doesn't work, but only result in making it worse - it starts to look too 'contrived'.
I have found that the best remedy for this is to do a quick painting sketch. Being brisk and confident, and not worrying what the finished result will be...and often it is far more vibrant & full of energy.
I find this is a fantastic way to regain a bit of flailing confidence, or frustration.
What I will do is think of some images from my coastal walks, than select the powerful colours I wish too use, and then paint very quickly. I'll slap on the paint and then let it be. I don't go back and re-work it, I just accept it as it is, an often I am pretty pleased with the image.
Here are a couple of recent quick acrylic sketches I did, following a painting that took me a week.
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