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The Arundel Gallery Trail 2009 celebrates 21 years of inspiring creativity

The Arundel Gallery Trail 2009
When: August 22 - 31
Opening times: Weekends and Bank Holiday Monday 12.00- 5.30 pm, Mon to Fri 2.00 - 5.30 pm
The Arundel Gallery Trail is one of the longest running open house art events in the UK and this year comes of age, celebrating it's 21st birthday.
It takes place alongside the other great happenings during the Arundel Festival. Local artists and makers exhibit their work in some of the most beautiful homes in Sussex.
Make sure you put this in your diary as the event is an essential part of the south's art calendar.
With more than 100 artists exhibiting in 50 venues. The Arundel Gallery Trail is a unique showcase for all styles of art and media, encompassing paintings, print, sculpture, textiles, decoupage, stained glass, ceramics and jewellery
During the nine-day period you will be able to walk from venue to venue and can expect to discover many beautiful historic homes.
Entry the venues is FREE. It's a great day out for art collectors and enthusiasts alike.
Hope to see you there!
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