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The Art Room (Telford)
The Art Room (Telford)
Being an Artist & Poet, over the years I have written quite a lot of verse as well as painting watercolours. I had several poems published in the mid-90s by Arrival Press.
During the Xmas break, I wrote a humorous poem - my amusing thoughts of a forthcoming evening I shall be attending:-
A first at Life Drawing, the room it was packed,
taking my place, right at the back.
I sorted my easel, pencil, sketch pad.
One hour in the class, was all that we had.
The model, a male, in his 60s, I'd say,
(topping up pension for an hour of his day).
Left to ourselves, the tutor said "begin".
The model, he sneezed and gave a slight grin.
The sheet that was covering, strategically placed
fell to the ground and his body escaped.
Full nudity shown, wrinkles galore.
(I'm not concerned about mine anymore!).
The hour flew by quickly, the teacher came by,
viewing each drawing with a curious eye.
He stood there beside me, an outspoken chap.
And his only brief comment, "that really is ..........
........ er, different! "
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