As it was so hot, I needed to raconnoiter another spot we could paint in the shade, which wasn't too touristy, and didn't contain a complicated scene, so after lunch we walked round to the other side of the mill pond, past the weir, and to a jetty on a lagoon. We thought this was great spot and likened it to a theatre, it was only afterwards that we realized it was an official landing jetty for the boats! We thought they were joking when a couple asked us all to move so they could land, as it happens they were joking, but another couple moored up on the bank next to us. The object of the afternoons exercise was to draw quick pencil thumbnails to establish areas of value mass, then try to stick with that on a larger scale with a larger brush, in effect, to repeat the morning's exercise larger, and with the same amount of simplicity. After painting we stopped at 4.00p.m. and decided on recreational activities, it was sweltering by then so some of us decided to go for a row up the stour again, and we were intrigued by the people swimming in the river, and as we got closer, we realized they were members of our group! I was so envious as they said the water was lovely. Lucy swimming in the stour This is Vanessa just before she realized we were crashing into a willow, we felt that the leaves and twigs added body to our hair! Vanessa later informed us that the socket that the oars fit into were called rollocks, and as she was steering the boat at the time with a rudder, we have now nicknamed her Rudder Rollocks! Chocks away Rollocks old chap! I wouldn't say it was a serene trip down the stour, the noise we were making sounded like a chicken hutch with a fox on the prowl! On the way back we saw another of our party swimming in the river! I was very impressed, and it wouldn't have taken much for me to leap off the boat at that time, except I was fully clothed!
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