Suburban art JAM announces 1st art blog competition

Suburban art JAM announces 1st art blog competition

Subscribe to Julie Ann Maguire's new art website blog to be in with a chance of winning art materials

Win Art Materials in this 1st Suburban Art Jam Competition Dear Art Blog Friends I am pleased to announce that my 1st art blog competition opens online today where one lucky individual can win a pack of 12 Daler-Rowney coloured pencils and a pack of 25 Daler-Rowney oil pastels. I am on a mission to select the best digital image for my Work-in-Progress page and I need your help. Our daughter, Natalie has produced 4 potential images for the webpage, but I cannot make my mind up which one to choose. To enter, simply navigate to my website by copying/pasting this URL for my Work-in-Progress webpage and find the subscribers widget box at the bottom right of the page as you scroll down. Provide your email address and click the subscribe box when your mouse changes the colour from green to black. Then take a look at the four WIP images near the top of the website page, decide which one you think is best and comment either WIP1, WIP2, WIP3 or WIP4 in the reply box. Winner will be drawn at random from the database of subscribers on Tuesday 23 June 2015 at 18.00 hours GMT. Existing subscribers will be included in the draw. Thanks for taking part and good luck! - See more at: Best Wishes JAM

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