Standing in a cowshed...

Standing in a cowshed...

Standing in a cowshed...

Well show #2 over and no sales... but significant interest. ... and from a couple of gallerys as well... so not a waste of time. The thing had plenty of footfall. Conclusions on the Art at the Mart experience (mostly for the benefit of Alan) - lighting was pretty good - I didn't have any problems. It was cold, but I was prepared for that and dressed appropriately. Punters were nice, food was good and some nice stuff purchased for my tea. I think quite a few folks with their own pens sold stuff. Next year I'd have my own pen... and I'll be taking cards and stuff rather than just orignals.. this means I'll have to build some display stands and stuff... but I like recreational woodwork so its no hardship. Anyway did a painting today .... a work of imagination TBH...but my stream picture was the clear fave at the show yesterday so i figure I'll knock a few together and bung 'em to gelleries. So call the show some market research. The other stuff that attracted attention was the Panoramic coastal stuff... people liked the length of the canvases, but found them too narrow. Hey ho. Anyway I've got some deeper ones so ... enuf. Ade
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