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Spray paint challenge
Montana spray paint experiment

I for the first time bought Montana spray paints which don’t gas you out as much as normal paint and dries off a gloss finish. I got them from the fatbuddha store run by 2 sisters and only a small business but highly recommend you buy from small and local businesses as they are reliable and definitely are worth supporting in these strange times. I entered some pieces for the spring challenge but I had no idea what I’d do till I just sprayed accidentally every colour to create an abstract field like scene. Normally I do planets with spray paints but it’s good to challenge yourself and do different projects. I enjoyed it and didn’t waste paint as I’d normally go mad with it. I’m going to do more and hopefully share more projects il do. Jackson’s art are sadly delayed so I didn’t receive my order yet but again artshopskipton are a small business and I’d recommend trying businesses like them. Il post the 2 spray paint jobs I did in a new galley as it will only upload one on here. Keep safe and be free with your creativity.
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