Spirit of Nature's Blog

Spirit of Nature's Blog

I'm new to this....

Hi everyone, this is my very first blog. Just joined Painters Online and just starting out. I've been painting most of my life and, apart from GCE 'O' Level Art, I'm largely self-taught, so maybe my technique is a little strange to those of you who have had expert tuition over the years. I did little painting at all after school as I met my husband in 1968 and we married in 1971, then had two children by 1975, so I was just too busy to paint. I took early retirement in October 2006 and have come back to one of the loves of my life - watercolour painting. Just recently joined a local Art Group and am about to exhibit for the first time. I've also entered three of my paintings in the Patchings 2010 Competition (which I won't add to my gallery until after the competition). This is the first time I've even contemplated entering a competition. Wish me luck.
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Hi Maureen...happy new year...& what are you up to?

No I had an early breakfast, as The Memsahib is off 'minisrtatin' (Hospital Day Surgery Admin Team) all day today. The X ray a subject for an abstract? The arm looks good as can be expected...well done. How is the weather with you? Down here on the edge of the Fens (nasty flat black-brown at this time of year) the temp. is 0.5 C. a very heavy damp mist/thin fog. There are two things that improve this view...Heavy snow & thick fog...I'm a townie to the core...country lovers...each to there own...well it's time to check out a few sites, read the paper, knock-up a GF snack or two, some GFcake, some more real coffee and spend a quiet day painting...no domestic chores at the week-end.