Something different

Something different

Something different

I haven't blogged since February and I don't know where the time has gone.............Well, we have been having a new kitchen installed so that's taken a lot of my precious painting time. Trying to get back into the swing, I went with some of my Art Buddies to a monoprint workshop at the Open College of the Arts in Barnsley and really enjoyed it. We used a combination of wallpaper paste, PVA glue and acrylic paint mixed together. We got some really interesting results, using a printing method. You could move the paint around for as long as you wanted before it dried. I had about three pieces that came out well and I hope to put them online soon. I have also done a silk painting workshop at the Barnsley Art Society. It's the first time I have taken a class and I was nervous for the first 20 minutes , then enjoyed it but ran out of time at the end. Everyone seemed to enjoy it as it was something a bit different. The Society have been encouraging it's own artists to take workshops this year and we have had some really good efforts! Now the kitchen project is over I'm hoping to get around to more artwork AND keep up on my blogs
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