Shirley's Art Blog

Shirley's Art Blog

Art - a celebration of life on canvas!

I have been painting regularly for many years. I have attended classes in oils and acrylics. More recently I completed a watercolour course at the National College of Art and Design and exhibited at the college’s end of year annual exhibition.I enjoy painting a variety of subjects, particularly landscapes, seascapes and flowers. My paintings are inspired by the rugged landscapes of Ireland and the vibrant colours that emanate from its natural beauty through the seasons. The time I have to paint is very limited due to family and work commitments but when I do manage to find time to put brush to canvas I become totally absorbed and immersed in a world of my own. It truly is a form of therapy for the mind, body and soul.
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Hi Diana I keep forgetting you are all the way down here...the Forum has picked up somewhat on the discussion front all aggravation seem to have disappeared thankfully...hope you are well and your back has held up to your busy time...fingers crossed Im skipping along at the moment must off to bed now so goodnight

Hi Diana hope this finds you well...your weekend away sounded fantastic...over woman flu now and back to old self thank goodness even the back feels better may have been carrying the germ a while longer than I thought...hope your good weather keeps up Patsy

Congratualtiond Diana what a gotta be in it to win it

Congrats! Can you show us your picture?

Bully for you Diana keep up the good is so nice to get encouragement especially from judges.

Good for you! Keeps the spark going doesn't it.